buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Annie Roth | ESO Arts Lancaster style.css header class header nav div Annie Roth class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a Gallery href #gallery a About href #about a Contact href #contact main section id home class hero h1 Annie Roth p Fine Art & Illustration div class social-links a Follow on Instagram href class instagram-btn section id gallery class gallery h2 Gallery div class gallery-grid div class gallery-item img Artwork 1 alt Abstract painting in blue src images/art1.jpg div class gallery-item img Artwork 2 alt Portrait study src images/art2.jpg div class gallery-item img Artwork 3 alt Landscape painting src images/art3.jpg section id about class about h2 About Me div class about-content img Annie Roth class profile-pic alt Annie Roth in her studio src images/profile.jpg div class bio p Lancaster-based artist specializing in contemporary fine art and illustration. My work explores themes of nature, emotion, and human connection through various mediums. section id contact class contact h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form input type text placeholder Name required true input type email placeholder Email required true textarea placeholder Message required true button Send Message type submit footer div class footer-content p Annie Roth | ESO Arts Lancaster a Instagram href